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Chloe Webb

Forté Undergraduate Women of Color Leadership Symposium with Seeds University's Chole Webb

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Chloe Webb at the Forté Undergraduate Women of Color Leadership Symposium
Chloe Webb at the 2023 Forté Undergraduate Women of Color Leadership Symposium

Chloe Webb | I learned a lot from attending the 2023 Undergraduate Women of Color Leadership Symposium! It felt very empowering being around a lot of successful women of color in the business field! I enjoyed all of the panels and received some insightful advice from every single one of them.

The panel that stood out to me the most was, 'Navigating Your Early Career'. In the panel, they discussed how to find your pillars and figure out what you're good at.

A piece of advice that stood out to me the most was when one of the panelists said that when in your career field, "Pay attention to what gives you energy and what takes it away," and "Make sure you find yourself learning new things along the way."

In another panel, the panelists discussed taking risks that scare you and explained that risky decisions will come in forms you won't expect. They also discussed having imposter syndrome with being a woman of color in a white-dominated space and making the intentional effort to manage the imposter syndrome. This resonated with me because since coming to college there were times when I felt like I didn't belong especially as a woman of color so I definitely will remember this advice.

In the transition from college to the workforce panel with Amanda Vega and Crystal Cleare they discussed that the year of graduating college and going into the workforce is a year of growth and change, finding a routine, figuring out your identity, and absorbing as much as you can.

Something I also took away from the conference is that it is normal to not know what career path you want to go into while in college. A lot of the panelists did not go down a career path related to their major which made me feel a sense of comfort because, I currently am not sure what career I want to go down. Knowing that it is normal made me feel better.

Overall, I left the conference feeling empowered and enlightened. I made connections with the amazing women that attended the conference. Thank you again Seeds of Fortune!


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